Worldwide company design solutions and marketing innovation.

Package Design
for myriad products

Illustration and Design

Package Design

Art Direction of Photo Shoots

Work with Licensed IPs

Product Illustration
and Technical Illustration

Creative Copywriting

Yes we’ve been around long enough to have worked with the Eastman Kodak company for many years. We had dreams in EK Yellow (really). We developed engaging packaging under a broad range of brand guidelines that we helped develop for multiple markets and dozens – if not hundreds – of SKUs. Many of these had multiple languages and, yes, we can handle localization and translation design just fine.

We created detailed technical unboxing illustrations. We went on press approvals to make sure the Kodak Yellow spot color was right. We art directed photo shoots, and we Photoshopped and illustrated products and portraits like crazy.

We developed simple to read icon systems for complex purchase options to simplify the consumer buying experience. We worked with licensed IPs such as Harry Potter. Oh and one time we designed some pretty rad 3D glasses.

We wore a lot of hats for Eastman Kodak.